Amazon has extended their $5 off $20 on printed books special! Every year, I add at least one (if not two) books to my Christmas wish list. PLUS, I love to read a book to the kids during Winter Break! And books make a wonderful gift for everyone from baby showers, to teens and in betweens! Right now, Amazon deals continued for book lovers has a code where when you spend $20 on books, you will receive $5 off when you use the code GIFTBOOK18 .
Books on Parenting
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through a link The Reluctant Cowgirl will receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you, used toward keeping this blog going. I only recommend products I appreciate and trust. Read all my disclosure here
Take advantage of parenting books. It is not just about raising our kids to be successful. Parenting books can help us mature as a parent, become more aware of our own emotional and mental roadblocks, and help us connect to our kids.
If there was ONE book I wish someone had handed me as a young mom to a STRONG-willed child it is this one. This would have saved my sanity and taken years off all the trial and error I had to do instead.
You Can’t Make Me (But I Can be Persuaded by Cynthis Ulrich Tobias will give you the tools that will help you and your child succeed. If you or someone you know is fortunate enough to be raising a strong-willed, inflexible child BUY THIS BOOK and bless them in ways unimaginable!
I read a ton of parenting books and even took parenting classes when my oldest was young. But this book was really one of the light bulb moments in my parenting journey!
The Five Love Languages for Children by Gary Chapman. The five love languages is the idea that everyone receives and understands love in different ways. Want to connect to your teen in a way that is meaningful to them? Purchase this bestselling book. I have used the concepts with hundreds of families!
Hold Onto Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate M.D. Sometimes as a parent you sense things, but you haven’t taken the time to think it all the way through.
When I read this book, so many things I had slowly been noticing began to make sense. Do you want to remain one of the key mentors in your child’s life. Learn how and why it is vital that you take an active role in your child’s life, especially during the teen years!
Personal Growth and Self-Care Books
Loving What is: Four Questions that Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie. This book kinda made me mad. Byron Katie leads you through some questions that can help you take a new look at situations you commonly find yourself.
Perhaps, like me, this book might ruffle your feathers as she keeps bringing the questions back to YOU. But you will probably find it ultimately freeing when you realize you have more control over certain interactions than you thought!!
The Gifts of Perfection by Brene Brown. This book was life-changing. Brene Brown’s books help you take a deep look at your life and what is truly motivating and driving you. Keep a pen or highlighter handy because you will want to underline half of this book, it is that good and enlightening!
Books for Enjoyment
Nothing better then cuddling up on the couch, enjoying the Christmas lights while reading a book by one of your favorite authors! These are a few authors I always look forward to reading just for fun.
Every Breath You Take (Under Suspicion Series) by Mary Higgins Clark. Clark always writes such great mysteries. This is part of her Under Suspicion series and is a great read set in New York Metropolitan MuseumMurder on Astor Place by Victoria Thompson
. The Gaslight Mystery Series features a midwife in the turn of the century who teams up with a local Irish cop to solve mysteries. Thompson always introduces a social issue of the day bringing a wonderful historical focus to the books.
So who is one of your favorite authors? What have you read and enjoyed lately? Comment and share with me below!! Thanks! And don’t forget to place your Amazon order today using the code GIFTBOOK18 .
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