Have you started to feel a bit off lately? You feel bored and burned out at the same time? Being a mom of teenagers is a time of transition. Our kids are growing and changing rapidly. But we also have to be mindful that WE may be ready to make some of our own transitions and changes. So I am so glad that Lara from the Mom on Purpose Podcast agreed to guest post and share her secret “discover your purpose” formula on finding your purpose for moms! [Read more…]
Creating a Word of the Year
It about slapped me in the face! Sometimes I have to sit and be still to hear what my word of the year should be for the upcoming year. January may even pop up on the calendar and I am still waiting to hear. But this year, my one word dropped in my lap with a decided thump, like when my oversized orange tabby decides he wants my attention. So how can you set to creating a word of the year and why does it even matter? Let’s chat! [Read more…]
Common Time Wasters at Home and How Moms Can Overcome
Ever yell at your kids for wasting their time? You point out that they are wasting too much time online. Or they are doddling when they could have had their school work done. Only to realize that you struggle with the exact thing! Ugh! So what are some common time wasters at home and how can moms overcome? After all, I would rather be productive while completing my work or household duties so I have time to do the things I love! [Read more…]
A Survival Guide for the Struggling Mom Parenting Middle-Schoolers
Entering the middle school years was a sigh of relief. The minute to minute energy needed for little ones was mentally overwhelming for me. Finally, I had a second to my own thoughts! But wait! There was a whole other mountain range of challenges that lay ahead in parenting the middle school years. Yikes! Are you in the midst of the transition as a mom from littles to a mom of pre-teens? If you feel a bit thrown off course, it is normal. Get ready to forge ahead into these exciting years, taking along this survival guide for the struggling mom parenting middle-schoolers! [Read more…]
Create a Peaceful, Cozy Home Your Family Will Love
During my teens years, I watched Oprah while I worked the switchboard after school at my all girl high school. Oprah always referred to her light bulb moments, when a HUGE realization clicks. As I was reading Myquillan Smith’s book Cozy Minimalist Home: More Style, Less Stuff, I couldn’t believe all the light bulb moments I had. If home is one of your favorite places, or you want it to be one of your family’s favorite places, then you are going to love all the ways that even a non-decorating mom can create a peaceful, cozy home! [Read more…]
Best Personal Development Gifts Moms Will Love
When a friend shares of an emotional challenge they are facing, I often spend the rest of the afternoon thinking of a source or book that might encourage them. I’m not sure if I’m the only one that goes down a rabbit hole when it comes to finding solutions to an emotional or mental concerns. Naturally, when it comes to gift giving I love to bring a little inspiration to someone’s life to fuel their desire to grow! Whether you are purchasing a gift for your mom, grandma, or a friend (or giving friendly hints to your family), consider purchasing a gift that will inspire personal growth. To get you thinking here are the best personal development gifts moms will love! [Read more…]
10 Unconventional Self-Care Ideas
Self-care is about caring for yourself. But tending to your needs isn’t just about beautifying ourselves. Physical needs are a part of self-care but so is finding ways to attend our mental and emotional needs. Sometimes self-care can be about caring for and brightening our space or taking a moment for mental clarity. Here are 10 unconventional self-care ideas that will re-energize and lift your spirits. [Read more…]
Surviving the Emotional Toll of Family Court
Going to court is extremely stressful. Enduring court when there is children involved is nothing short of traumatizing! In this post, I desire to give comfort and practical tips to those that are involved in family court. Both from personal and my professional court advocacy experience, I know court dealings can be confusing, drawn out, and stressful. While I hope that you personally never experience a court hearing, unfortunately, for many families it is a reality. Here is some practical advice for surviving the emotional toll of family court. [Read more…]
Don’t Wear Skinny Jeans and Other Lessons From the ER
Life is tough! It can knock you down with little or no warning. But even on those days that are hard there are moments that cause you to pause and smile and maybe even have a good chuckle later. So today, we are going to look at some deep wisdom (sarcasm) that I have learned from my trips to the ER. This past year, has been one of the toughest years physically so I want to celebrate a little having made it through the year. I am celebrating my SCADanniversary (1 year from my last SCAD heart attack)! Don’t Wear Skinny Jeans and Other Lessons From the ER is my hurrah for those of us who are learning to survive and thrive despite some medical challenges! [Read more…]