Dear Mom of Graduate,
Hey Friend, Congratulations!! Can’t believe you are a mom of a graduate! How did we get to be so old? Ha!! So many mixed emotions, right? It’s like you are thrilled that your teenager is graduating and yet a little bittersweet. So I wanted to send an encouraging letter to you mom of the graduate!!
Encouraging Letter to Mom of Graduate
First of all, congratulations! You made it!! I know, I know…the congratulations should go to the graduate. And they will receive plenty of best wishes and congratulations. But I know, as a fellow mom, that you have put in a heroic effort to get your student to this point in their life. And I want you to hear it from me that I am so proud of you.
As a mom you are amazing! When it counted the most, you put your kids before yourself. You have made some deep sacrifices in your life to put some of your interests on hold to be there for your family.
Read here for How to Write an Encouraging Letter to a Friend
You have always made sure your child had those unique opportunities and activities available for them to explore their interests! The things we do as moms!
It’s kind of funny when you stop and think about it. The lengths we go to explore uncharted territory because of our teens’ interests. Who knew I would be so deep in the theater and fantasy fiction world! I should be receiving my elf name from my daughter any day now!! Ha!
And yet, I love that you are still growing as a mom and as a person. It is so much fun swapping book and recipe ideas with you. I treasure all the times we have been able to grab coffee together and process all that is going on in our lives. Thank you for always being so encouraging of me and my dreams!
Mom of a Graduate
As you, brave mom of a graduate, step into this next stage in your life here are a few encouraging reminders for your journey!
Remember to Celebrate This Graduation!
You truly have done an amazing job! Sometimes our kids give us that feedback and tell us. But often it is years down the road before our children understand the depth of the sacrifice we make as parents. So I want you to hear it from me…You friend are an amazing mom!!
I know that the current times have taken away some of the opportunities to celebrate graduation. And for that I am so saddened with you. But don’t hesitate to use every opportunity to share your joy. And I’m really looking forward to celebrating, your teen’s graduation, together with you and your family very soon!!
Remember to Give Yourself Grace!
I know that is all the excitement we can sometimes miss to acknowledge the sadness we feel as a mom to a graduate. Often, we have the nagging feeling that something is off. But like a typical mom we just try to push through the feeling to do what needs to be done.
But would you give yourself the grace and the space to feel all the feels of this transition, as a mom of a graduate, in your life? It is OK to cry, even if you don’t understand exactly what you are crying about.
Believe me, you are still loved and needed. But your role as mom is changing again. And that can leave one feeling off, almost afloat in strange territory.
Life will find a new and happy norm again, but it is OK to allow yourself to feel sad and a little off during this transition from a mom to a high schooler to a mom of a graduate.
Enjoy Your New Freedoms as a Mom!
Woohoo!! Remember when our kids were young? On those hard days, we never could have imagined that the season when our kids needed us constantly would end!!
And yet here we are. Feels strange to have more time available to us, mentally and physically. Kinda freeing!
And yet, you may have times when you have the urge to just try to fill that empty space. Right after your teen’s graduation is a good time to allow that extra time to just be there for you to enjoy this moment, rest and plan for the next season. Try not to go crazy thinking of a million new projects to take on just yet! Give yourself that space to process before you jump into the next season.
I still remember after our second son left for college, trying to take on too many projects. It took me a while to find my bearing.
You will find your new balance!
Treasure Making New Connections with Your Graduate
Don’t worry there will be plenty of times when your graduate will still need you. Fun times to bond and discuss life or to answer a practical life skill question.
And the answer is YES, you really did already tell them how to go grocery shopping, budget their money, cook a meal, do their laundry correctly, etc… It’s just now that it counts your teen is actually listening when they ask you how to do something!:) Sometimes our kids can make us feel a little crazy asking us how to do a task we KNOW we already explained 10 times!
Remember You Have Your Friends
And my final thought in this letter of encouragement is to remember your friends!! You still have us! Make time to be with those who understand. Don’t hesitate to send out a quick text to let me know if you need a little encouragement that day.
Well, I better run! Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you!
Best wishes on this next stage in your life! So proud of you!
Your Friend,
Encouraging Letter to Mom of Graduate
Are you a mom of a graduate from high school or college (or soon to be). Here are a few posts just for you!
4 Keys to Maneuvering Through Life’s Transitions
Awww, this is so sweet and encouraging! Thank you, Miranda! You’re the best:)
So glad you were encouraged! You are a great mom!!