Summer is almost here! That means school is out and a break from the typical routine. Which can be great. It can also spell varied expectations, household tension, and extra work for parents. So get ahead of the game and create a summer contract for teens. PLUS, to make it super simple I created a FREE Summer Contract with Teens Printable Packet!
Surviving the Emotional Toll of Family Court
Going to court is extremely stressful. Enduring court when there is children involved is nothing short of traumatizing! In this post, I desire to give comfort and practical tips to those that are involved in family court. Both from personal and my professional court advocacy experience, I know court dealings can be confusing, drawn out, and stressful. While I hope that you personally never experience a court hearing, unfortunately, for many families it is a reality. Here is some practical advice for surviving the emotional toll of family court. [Read more…]
6 Activities to Help Teens Discover Their Passion and Purpose
From my years working with teens, I have noticed that when a teen connects with their interests they are more focused on their future. They tend to be more motivated, as they press forward and over obstacles to obtain their goals. But how do we help our teen find their passion and make time in their schedule for career development? Here are 6 simple activities to help teens discover their passion and purpose! [Read more…]