Anxiety. It’s something many have, but at the same time, not enough people seem to understand it. It can affect kids, adults, seniors, and definitely teenagers. If you have a teen of your own, understanding anxiety can be a challenge. In this post, we will give you a few ways moms can help teenagers cope with teen anxiety. [Read more…]
4 Ways to Avoid Raising Entitled Tweens and Teens
Are you raising an entitled tween or teen? Parents often remark to me how their teen is ungrateful, expecting mom or dad to do everything for them. And yet that same teen never wants to help around the house! Most parents see the symptoms of entitlement in their teens but feel helpless to change the behavior, often citing the society we live in today. While yes, I agree that society adds to this “it’s all about me” self-focus, society is not living in our houses. We are. So what can WE do as parents, in our own home, to raise grateful and hard-working teens. Here are 4 ways to avoid raising entitled tweens and teens! [Read more…]
Simple Christmas Service Projects for Families
UPDATED for 2023. Gift giving is one of my favorite things to do. So some of my cherished memories of family service ideas are the ones where we created or bought a gift for someone in need. Here are some simple Christmas service projects for families that your whole family can join in and participate together. Bless others as well as your own family with these Christmas community service ideas! [Read more…]
3 Ways Humor and Laughter Bring Joy into the Home
Growing up my older brother was always the funny one. But really he isn’t. I am. OK, so maybe he is actually pretty funny, but I still feel that I was not fully appreciated. Perhaps its due to the fact that I can tend to be serious at times. But I have discovered that finding the fun in everyday life is pivotal . Humor is a vital element in creating an emotionally vibrant home. So here are 3 ways humor and laughter bring joy into the home! [Read more…]
What Every Teen Craves from Their Parents
When I teach groups, I am always shocked when I hear a similar phrase over and over from the teenagers. In my current groups, we have both parents and teens. But every time we separate and gather into a smaller teen only group and start discussing life at home, a common theme arises. You know what every teen craves from their parents? Time! That is the number one need teens will say they wish they had more of with their parents.