Many of my readers, who are grandparents, have emailed me about their teenage grandchildren! The topic of coming alongside your grandchildren to help raise them weighs heavy on your mind. That was why I was so glad when approached me about writing a guest post on grandparent relationships! So thank you to and Rae Steinbach for this guest post.
You adore your grandchildren, but now that they are older, it feels as if you have started to drift apart. With such a wide age gap, it can be a challenge to connect and find things to talk about. Gone are the days of watching them rock in a swing for infants; now you’re dealing with nearly grown up individuals struggling with their first relationships, exams, driving, and more. So much is going on in their lives that doesn’t involve you, yet you would like to stay involved. What can you do? Here are 9 meaningful ways grandparents can connect with their teenager grandchildren! [Read more…]