As a first time mom, way back when we just had magazines and no blogs;), I remember all the articles on self-care for new moms. As a mom to a newborn, you were to try to get sleep when your little one was sleeping to make sure your body was getting enough rest. And the ideas continued forward to the toddler years. But somehow the closer your kids get to adulthood the self-care ideas seem less helpful for moms of tweens and teens, as if taking care of tweens and teens only requires a large amount of wine and sarcasm. Those may help you, but what does a mom really need to care for herself as her kids get older? What do YOU truly need to refresh and be the best mom to your tweens and teenagers? Here are some self-care ideas for moms of teens and tweens that are tailored just for YOU, the brave mom to teenagers!! [Read more…]
10 Unconventional Self-Care Ideas
Self-care is about caring for yourself. But tending to your needs isn’t just about beautifying ourselves. Physical needs are a part of self-care but so is finding ways to attend our mental and emotional needs. Sometimes self-care can be about caring for and brightening our space or taking a moment for mental clarity. Here are 10 unconventional self-care ideas that will re-energize and lift your spirits. [Read more…]