As a lover of history, I think it is important to document pivotal moments in our life as well as in our country’s history. For our tweens and teens, these past several weeks have been a huge event in their life. While some teens may not care to keep an on going journal of the pasts month’s events, almost all teens will be glad that they recorded some details and impressions. To give our kids a place to record their thoughts, I created a printable quarantine journal time capsule for teens and tweens.
Printable Quarantine Journal Time Capsule for Teens and Tweens
The printable quarantine journal time capsule gives teens an opportunity to write down their thoughts and responses to create their own time capsule. Years from now, they will look over the quarantine journal time capsule and remember this time in history. Seeing their own thoughts will enable them to process the events not as something that just happened in history, but something that they experienced!
Now, I get some teens head for the door when you say “writing.” Never fear! I made these printables friendly for both teens that love to write and those that do not.
The printable quarantine journal will guide your teen or tween through thinking about how life has been during stay at home orders. Teens can simply put a short response. Or if they prefer, I gave teens a couple lines to write more if they wish to write a longer answer.
Yes! I Want My Printable Quarantine Journal Time Capsule for Teens
If your school schedule allows, complete the printable quarantine journal time capsule as part of history or English class:)
Printable Journal Prompts Quarantine Time Capsule
I love girly colors so of course I created a printable journal in pretty pinks and greens. But as my daughter prefers blue and I know boys typically want something more neutral, I also created a version in neutral blues.
The free printable quarantine time capsule can be printed off in neutral blues or girly pinks!
Excited? Yay! Can’t wait to see what our teens and tweens write down!
Go here to grab your Free Quarantine Journal Printable and Resource Library Freebies!
- Drop your information in the box
- click “Freebies”
- receive the password and link to the Resource Library right in your inbox!
- Go to Resource Library and print off as many copies as you need for your family
(hint password is in your latest email:)
Quarantine Journal Time Capsule for Teens and Tweens
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