As I said good-bye to my Dad last week, I realized the huge whole he has left in my life. I knew it would be hard when he died, but even I didn’t understand how he had touched every area in my life. And just like my Dad taught me so much during his lifetime, he has taught me another lesson through his death. We don’t have to be perfect parents to leave a lasting positive legacy. Here are 4 ways to leave a lasting legacy as a parent that I learned from my Dad. [Read more…]
4 Keys to Maneuvering Through Life Transitions
We just got back from a lovely vacation in the Smoky Mountains. Our cabin on the mountainside was beautiful and the view was breathtaking. It was so wonderful to slow down for a while and relax. And yet, at the same time I felt a little sad. Our youngest was with us, but College Boy did not join us on vacation. And as a woman and mom, I am making my way through another stage in life. Here are 4 keys to maneuvering through life transitions that have been very helpful. [Read more…]
Don’t Wear Skinny Jeans and Other Lessons From the ER
Life is tough! It can knock you down with little or no warning. But even on those days that are hard there are moments that cause you to pause and smile and maybe even have a good chuckle later. So today, we are going to look at some deep wisdom (sarcasm) that I have learned from my trips to the ER. This past year, has been one of the toughest years physically so I want to celebrate a little having made it through the year. I am celebrating my SCADanniversary (1 year from my last SCAD heart attack)! Don’t Wear Skinny Jeans and Other Lessons From the ER is my hurrah for those of us who are learning to survive and thrive despite some medical challenges! [Read more…]
Overcoming Heartache and Emotional Pain
“Mom, why are you taking a picture of your arm?”, my daughter asked. I was sitting on the couch capturing a photo of the huge bruise on my arm. My arm was black and blue from an unexpected surgery I had gone through the week before. ” It will help me as I recover emotionally to remember that I have gone through this surgery,” I tried to explain. I knew, that soon the bruises would fade, but the emotional pain and heartache I (and my family) had gone through would last much longer. [Read more…]
Signs You Live in the Country
Since laughter really is the best medicine, I have to include some “just for fun” posts. No vibrant life is complete without a healthy does of laughter. It is one of the things I love about my Country Boy. We LOVE to laugh together. And as a city girl transported to the country, there is typically lots to laugh about at my expense! So if you ever wondered about life in the country here are some signs you live in the country. [Read more…]
Coping When Kids Leave Home Part II
Earlier this week I shared Coping When Kids Leave Home Part I. Today, I would like to share the second part of that post, Coping When Kids Leave Home Part II. As I mentioned, it is more than just seeing your kids less. It is a new season. It is a reason to celebrate. You and your child made it through the growing up years. They are ready to leave the nest and start a new season in their life. However, as a parent it is challenging to see our kids move forward without us. How do we let go of one season in our relationship with our child in order to allow a new one to bloom? [Read more…]
Coping when Kids Leave Home Part I
Fall is fast approaching. Fall is a season when many parents say good-bye to their college age children. Last year, my Country Boy and I said good-bye to our second son as he moved out for college. I knew it was coming, but man oh man it didn’t make it any easier. Here are a few things I learned in the process of coping when kids leave home. I hope that you are comforted by the realization that you are not alone as a parent, as you go through this stage. Whether your child is leaving to join the military, moving to start life on their own or to college, it is a new season. [Read more…]
Finding Contentment: Blooming Where You Are Planted
By nature, many of us struggle to find contentment. We tend to look backward living in our memories. Or we want to rush forward to the next stage. Finding contentment and blooming where you are planted is pivotal to appreciating today, practicing gratitude and growing where we are. [Read more…]
Handling Unexpected Changes in Life
You never imagined that this would happen to YOU. You never envisioned your life as a single parent, a young widow, a victim of domestic violence or a person with a life threatening disease. Handling unexpected changes in life can be overwhelming.
Some changes will be for a season, and you can see that there is an end in sight. But for this post I wanted to talk about those events which happen that change us forever. They redefine the way we see ourselves. They make us think of our life in terms of part one and part two. Before and After.
Sometimes they can come upon us slowly, like waking up one day and realizing that you are raising your grandkids. Other times they enter fiercely and abruptly. So how do we handle these unexpected, unwelcome changes? [Read more…]