I love the idea of balance. My husband likes to joke how much my side of the family is all about “everything in moderation.” And when it comes to personal growth, it can very beneficial to step back and look at our life from a distance. We may want to ask ourselves if there are any areas of our life that are hurting our personal development. If we are doing fabulous in most of our life but our family life or finances are a train wreck it will soon began to wreak havoc in other areas. Here are 6 life areas to balance for real personal growth.
6 Life Areas to Balance for Real Personal Growth
Our lives can be split into lots of categories. I tried to pick key areas that most of us would recognize and feel like our life fell somewhere underneath these categories.
Look over these areas and examine for problems or pitfalls.
The idea is to make sure that our weakest point is not so weak that is causes our life to tip off balance. However, we are not aiming for perfection just balance!
For example, if you go into a job interview you are probably not going to be everything the employer is looking for because they are hoping one person can fill 2 or 3 people’s jobs. But you want to be strong in several areas, proficient in others and somewhat knowledgeable in your weaker areas.
Life feel overwhelming lately? Read my encouraging letter to you here
So let’s get started and began to explore our lives as we reflect on some of these questions.
Work Audit
Sometimes work is seen as something we “have to do”. But being able to work and make money or save money and contribute to our family is an honor. Used to when a family had fallen on hard times, people would often “help” by giving the family work to do so that the family didn’t feel like they were just taking. Everyone wanted to be able to partake in taking care of their family.
When we look at the area of work let’s also think about part-time jobs, volunteer opportunities, homeschooling, work in the home and hobbies.
Some basic questions to ask. Are you able to provide for your basic needs? Do you show up on time? Are you able to hold down a job and complete basic follow through tasks?
Delving a little deeper, do you feel like you have a job you enjoy and that utilizes your basic strength? Have you transitioned from a job that was draining to a better job?
If you are a stay at home mom, do you value all that you are contributing? Have you created an outlet or two for yourself where you are growing your talents if even in small ways?
Spiritual Audit
You were made with a desire for something greater than yourself. So even if you don’t feel like you need “religion or faith” this question of why are we here and what is the real purpose to life may cause unknown stress.
Be willing to explore and ask questions.
For the purpose of this blog I try not to use Christainease talk because that can be confusing if you did not grow up going to church. But I very much believe that there is a God and that He made a plan for us through His son Jesus. The way to have a relationship with God is very simple and shouldn’t be confusing. Simply ask God to show Himself to you in a way you can understand. Or download a Bible app and start reading in Psalms or John.
Do you find comfort in prayer? Do you make time to be quiet and reflect or meditate on what is true and good? If you have faith in God have you found a church where you can grow and connect with others?
If you feel like past experiences have hurt you and turned you from the idea of faith and spirituality then re-look. Don’t allow one or two people from your past determine one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
Home Balance
Home should be a place where we can recharge and be ourselves. But home is also a wonderful place to bless others by inviting them in, forging and growing friendships. Home should be a place for our children to learn and grow, trying out their talents and developing life skills.
Basically there is a LOT going on in a healthy home!
Is your home peaceful to you? Do you feel like it is safe?
Do you have good routines to help you stay organized as you make meals, do laundry, pay bills, clean and take care of kids? Or do you feel overwhelmed as if you are always trying out the latest organizing system in hopes that this would be the miracle cure?
Are the household duties distributed? Notice I didn’t say distributed evenly because life has an ebb and flow where sometimes you do more, others less and vice versa. But is everyone getting the opportunity to share in the responsibility?
Is your home full of laughter? Read 3 reasons you need humor and laughter in your home!
Are you able to open your home in hospitality? Or do you feel unwilling to allow others to see inside your home because you don’t want to risk things getting out of place? Or perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the chaos or junk?
Family Life Balance
Family is so important. Other than God there isn’t anything more important than family. And the ramifications of how you treat your family and teach and train your children lasts for years and generations to come. So no pressure…:)!
With family life 2 big things come to mind. What are your main goals for your family? And what routines and habits do you have in place to meet and reinforce those goals.
We can get so busy checking off the daily to do list and putting out emotional fires that we lose long term focus. The better picture we have for how we want our family life to look like or the more specific our goals, the better job we will do parenting.
Some other important questions to ask: If we are married are we putting effort and time into strengthening that relationship? Is our family parent led or child centered? Do we make time for personal growth so we are better equipped to care for our family not just physically but emotionally? And does our home have a give and take atmosphere, where we take turns caring for one another and being the focus of attention?
Finances Audit
Money is often a subject of much discussion (read arguments). And when money is handled poorly it can lead to huge amounts of stress on a marriage.
Money is very personal and means more to people than just paper. Money may mean security, freedom, status or carry deep memories of poverty.
For real personal growth, we have to learn to wade through all those wounds and messages we have regarding money to create a system that works for us and our family.
If you are married, one person is typically a spender and one a saver. Using each other’s financial strengths, do you have a system that works for your family? Are the bills paid? Do you have a budgeted amount available for each other’s wants? Do you stick to the budget? Is everyone on board with only spending money we actually have?
Health & Wellness Life Balance
Our bodies are capable of doing so much. But when we neglect caring for ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually our bodies will began to reflect the imbalance in numerous ways.
Here are some questions you may want to consider when it comes to health and wellness. Do you get adequate amounts of sleep? Do you make time throughout the day or week to care for yourself by doing things you love? When it comes to what you eat and exercise do you have a few healthy habits in place? Are you so overweight or underweight that it causes you to be unable to do things you use to enjoy?
Are you struggling with any addictive type behaviors that are slowly destroying your body? Are you plagued with a litany of ongoing symptoms like headaches, racing thoughts, upset stomach and constant colds.
If you struggle with a mental illness or a chronic condition are you seeking treatment and support that help you to balance your good and not so good days?
And finally, do you make time to learn new skills or become better at doing things you love?
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6 Life Areas to Balance for Real Personal Growth
That was a lot of information at which to look! Our life encompasses so many areas. As you read through these areas and the questions that were raised did anything stand out to you? Were you able to see areas of strength and areas of weakness?
We all have areas in life that are easier for us whether it is due to training you had growing up or natural talent. However, the good news is that we can all learn and grow in our weak areas no matter our past mistakes or age.
And again we are not aiming for perfection. We are desiring to keep growing in all areas and to be aware of areas in our life that are so weak they are holding us back!
What is one category above that comes easily to you? Why? Do you have a subject that is a real struggle? Comment and tell me below!
Feel like your life is off balance? Enjoy a week of discovery and growth…for FREE! Just click the picture below and I will personally walk you through some key elements of an emotionally healthy life.
Julie B. says
These are such good points to consider. I know that I struggle to find time to do things I enjoy. I need to get better about self care.
Miranda says
Thanks for sharing Julia! I know one of the biggest changes in self-care for me was seeing that self-care could be done in 10 or 15 minute increments. I don’t have to wait til I have hours to myself. Another thing regarding self-care is giving myself permission to take the time and not wait til “everything else is done,” cause as a mom it seems like there is ALWAYS something else I could clean or do!
Kim says
I struggle with health and wellness. I know I should be more active but I have a really hard time actually doing something. Balance is my goal as well.
Rhiannon day says
Life is such a juggling act, isn’t it? It can be a challenge to keep everything in balance. But I think that’s what makes life so beautiful. I love this list as a reminder to check in with these core areas and see what needs tending to.
Van Cast says
Thank you for this post, to take care of ourselves is so important but very often is underestimated, by us!!
Miranda says
Yes, we are worth taking the time to check in with ourselves and see how we truly are doing!