Would you love to be instrumental in helping your favorite bloggers or small businesses build their business so you can keep enjoying and reaping the rewards of their expertise? It is way more simple than you think to send a little love and support and doesn’t need to cost you an extra dime! Here are 10 ideas on how to support bloggers and small businesses you love!
How to Support Bloggers and Small Businesses You Love
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through a link The Reluctant Cowgirl will receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you, used toward keeping this blog going. I only recommend products I appreciate and trust. Read all my disclosure here
10 Ideas on Sharing the Love
As a small business owner it is always great to hear feedback from your audience. And we love when others share what we are doing. So perhaps you are following a few blogs but unsure how to pass along the love. Here are some simple ways to support a business from reserved supporter to raving fan!!
The Reserved Supporter
These ideas can all be comfortably done without feeling like you are taking too much of your time or drawing unwanted attention to yourself.
Visit their Business Site
When you land on a website, it counts as a view for them. For many small businesses and ALL blogs, more views allow great things to happen. One it means people appreciate what they are doing. But it also allows them to build their business.
As a businesses’ website views increase they will have opportunities to do sponsored posts, receive commission from their advertisers, and reach a broader audience.
Follow them on Social Media
Are you on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram. Make sure you hop on over to your favorite media platform or platforms and follow them. This allows your fav mompreneur or business owner to know that you like what they are doing.
And again other companies began to take notice when a business has many followers and will reach out to them with various paying opportunities!!
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Heart or Wow Their Posts on Facebook
If you “like” a businesses’ posts, Facebook will keep them in your feed. So if you think what the person is offering or doing, make sure to click the like button. Occasionally, I have to go “find” a business, as Facebook will drop a person from my feed, and I will like or love a few of their posts.
Did you know that Facebook gives preference to a reaction over a like? When you click the heart, wow or sad button Facebook will give that post a little boost.
Again, be genuine in your responses but also don’t be too reserved:) Business owners look at their analytics to see what is appealing to their audience. So if you really did like a product they are selling or a post they wrote give it a like. LOVED it…give an extra boost by reacting!
Social media platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest will also show a popular post or pin to more than just a businesses followers and friends. This allows a business to get their work in front of fresh faces, leading to new followers! Win!
Buy Through your Favorite Business’ Links
Blog owners see themselves as curators. If they are doing their job well they are doing a lot of work for YOU! If they are all about fitness, they will point you in the direction of the best fitness gear or the best protein powder.
At The Reluctant Cowgirl, I want to support moms of tweens and teens on their personal growth and parenting journey. So one of my jobs is to make sure you have access to posts and articles that are relevant to your mom life. I try to tell you about books that I found helpful or a course that was life changing.
When you click on one of those links and purchase something you are supporting your favorite blog and business owner, and you are not spending an extra dime!! So if you decide to purchase an item that a blogger recommends, simply click on the link they gave you and the work is all done for you!
Pin Your Favorite Blogger’s Post
A super easy way to support your favorite blogger or small business is to PIN their articles. Simple click on the vertical image in their post and most will just pop up and open your Pinterest profile. Then pin it to a relevant board.
Only have a small amount on followers on Pinterest and don’t think it will help? Pinterest loves “new or fresh” pins so it will help the business on Pinterest. And most people when they see others pinned a post feel more comfortable to also pin the post:)
Lastly, even if you have a small following you may have a friend who has a large following who will repin your pin. That is the magic of Pinterest.
Loyal Fan
Are you so excited about what a certain business is doing or just LOVE their products?
I get ya! I can’t talk enough about the Brilliant Life Planner from Brilliant Business Moms. Beth Anne, the owner, does such a fantastic job of supporting mompreneurs and creating the most beautiful AND practical planner that I will tell anyone who listens.
Psst…check out her gorgeous planner here. My favorite part is the reflection sheet where you journal for 15 or 20 minutes about the past week. Just when I start only focusing on what I didn’t get done, this time helps me to refocus, give thanks for what I have and to appreciate all I was able to accomplish!! Life saving encouragement for us busy moms.
If you consider yourself a LOYAL FAN of a business here are more ways to share!
Share a post on a Blog, Facebook or Tag a friend on Instagram
Were you really moved by a post on Facebook? Feel free to share. Just look below the post and there is that little SHARE button. You can share as a Facebook private message or post it to your timeline.
Read an amazing post on a blog? Bloggers make it easy to share straight from the blog to Pinterest, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more! Just find those SHARE buttons and click away:)
Businesses are ecstatic when they see that someone shared their post!
Comment on a post or on the blog
“I really have enjoyed your blog posts,” an acquaintance said to me after we bumped into her one another at a local shop. While I was very pleased, I was also surprised. This conversation has happened numerous times. While it is always a wonderful boost to hear from a reader, it surprises me. If I had not seen that person I would never know they were reading my blog as they had not shown up anywhere in my inbox, comments, or on my blog social media platforms.
You can comment on the blog, comment on a Facebook post or Instagram post.
If you are new to commenting, just comment with a smiley face or heart or “loved this post.” It doesn’t have to be a long comment to let them know your reading.
PLUS, If you are commenting on Facebook and Instagram, those platforms looks at that and go, “Oh wow…let’s show this to more people.” Now, that is a BIG deal!
Tell a Friend about Your Favorites you are Following
I just had a friend, the other week, send me her favorite people she is following on Instagram. And guess what I did? I opened the DM on Instagram and of course looked at them. And now, I am following several of them.
Naturally when your friend tags or DM you on Instagram to tell you about someone new, you are going to look at it, right? Word of mouth from a friend is powerful.
So if you think what a business is doing or you are loving a product, simply tell your friend about it and share the LOVE!
Sign up for Their Opt-In, Resource Library or Email List
Even if you don’t own a business yourself you have probably heard about a social media platform changing their algorithms! It is no fun when you suddenly stop seeing what you want to see when you open Facebook, for example.
The only true platform a business has absolute control over is EMAIL. Yep, good ole email. So if you want to give a business an absolute honor, join their email list.
Most small businesses strive hard to give you a lot of value in return for sharing your email because they realize it is a privilege to be in your personal inbox
Email or Contact Your Favorite Blogger or Business
While this doesn’t make any numbers go up, businesses are always grateful when their readers and clients reach out to them. You can send a Facebook private message, hit reply on that weekly newsletter you receive or just email them!
When you contact your favorite blogger, it does several things. It gives that business owner a better idea of who is reading or reacting to their products. This helps them to create content and products in the future that you will LOVE. It also gives them a boost knowing that others are enjoying what they are doing.
Also, when I hear from readers, it helps me know what my readers appreciate and would like to hear more of from me.
How to Support Bloggers and Small Businesses You Love
Hope this has given you lots of ways you can support that person or business you really appreciate!
Need a laugh? Read about some blogging mishaps I’ve had in my first year here!
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Miranda, this is such a great post. I’m sure many people don’t realize how easy it is to support us Bloggers. And it doesn’t cost them a dime!
Yes, it can be super easy to support a mompreneur or a small business you love!!
This is a great post! I will share in my newsletter this week! It says everything that I always want to say:)
Awww…thanks Melanie!
Great post Miranda. Says all the things, so now I don’t have to! shared!!