It about slapped me in the face! Sometimes I have to sit and be still to hear what my word of the year should be for the upcoming year. January may even pop up on the calendar and I am still waiting to hear. But this year, my one word dropped in my lap with a decided thump, like when my oversized orange tabby decides he wants my attention. So how can you set to creating a word of the year and why does it even matter? Let’s chat! [Read more…]
10 Blogs That Inspire Personal Growth
I am very excited and pleased to tell you all that The Reluctant Cowgirl was nominated for The Mystery Blogger Award by I Dream of Simple! So I will be on the hot seat this week answering questions as well as sharing with you a bit about the award. PLUS as part of accepting the award I get to nominate 10 other bloggers. So I can’t wait to share with you 10 blogs that inspire personal growth. [Read more…]
Bloopers and Mishaps in the First Year of Blogging
If you want to look poised and graceful at all times don’t try anything new, right? This year has had its share of funny moments. OK some didn’t seem so hilarious at the time. Like why in the world is the update/save button on WordPress so near the PUBLISH button! Eeekk. That was awkward accidentally sending out half a post to my readers. But we have to laugh at ourselves sometimes. So I’m sharing bloopers and mishaps in the first year of blogging for your enjoyment:) [Read more…]
5 Lessons on Realizing Dreams Learned from Blogging for a Year
The Reluctant Cowgirl is celebrating our one year anniversary! I have been live and writing for a year on this thing called “a blog”. So I wanted to share some lessons learned as I know they apply to all of us dreamers. And I wish to celebrate with my readers one year down in my blogging career. Here are 5 lessons on realizing dreams learned from blogging for a year. [Read more…]
Home Milling Wheat Flour From Field to Table
When I was growing up I loved to read everything about the American Frontier. I loved to imagine what life was like being a frontier settler living off the land and providing for most of your own basic needs. Actually, I haven’t really outgrown my fascination with that time period! Most opportunities I get to experience a little bit of what that life was like I think it is the best fun! So today I want to share with you the process of home milling wheat flour from field to table. We just finished harvesting our wheat crop and milling some of it into wheat flour for our family so I have plenty of pictures to share of this exciting process! [Read more…]
Create a Summer Contract for Teens
Summer is almost here! That means school is out and a break from the typical routine. Which can be great. It can also spell varied expectations, household tension, and extra work for parents. So get ahead of the game and create a summer contract for teens. PLUS, to make it super simple I created a FREE Summer Contract with Teens Printable Packet!
7 Steps to Completely Make Over Your Life
I was stunned at where I found myself. This was so NOT where I imagined, dreamed or ever planned I would be. In my twenties, I found myself a single mom. And I had no solid plan on how I was going to truly care for myself and my child. My life felt like it had spiraled out of control. Sometimes our lives need a tweak or the ability to reframe our thinking. But sometimes we need a whole reboot. I knew that if I wanted my life to become a life I was proud, structured around my values, and full of peace and joy then I needed a complete overall. So what do we do when our life needs a do over? Here are 7 steps to completely make over your life. [Read more…]
March Progress Update on My Goals for 2018
Progress not perfection. That about describes my March! But since you all have been motivating me to reach my goals, whether you know it or not, I wanted to give you a peek into where I’m at currently. So here is my March progress update on my goals for 2018. And then later I would love to hear about some of you successes or misses, so don’t think you’re off the hook!! [Read more…]
My Focus Word and Top Goals for 2018
As I have been encouraging you all to choose a focus word and to zero in on your big goals for 2018, I thought I would share some of mine. For some of you , this shorter post will come as a relief! Hehee. But if you were hoping for something a little more substantial to chew on don’t worry. I’m planning out lots of great future posts for The Reluctant Cowgirl. So here is my focus word and top goals for 2018. [Read more…]