Most of us would say that we want friends. We want, even hunger, for those deep connections. Friendships are part of an emotionally healthy life. Friendships allow us to laugh, to keep perspective on life, and to be encouraged to grow. So what is going on if as adults we don’t have any of those relationships? Here are 4 honest reasons why you don’t have friends. [Read more…]
How to Write an Encouraging Letter to a Friend
When we begin to cultivate an emotionally vibrant life amazing things begin to happen. One of the wonderful consequences to creating an emotionally healthy life is that we has some great friendships. We have relationships where we laugh and share together and ones where we encourage and offer some advice. One great way to build upon those friendships is to send a hand-written letter of encouragement. There is something special, especially in this digital age, about receiving a personal letter that is meant to lift a friend’s spirits or share in their happiness. Here are some elements on how to write an encouraging letter to a friend. [Read more…]
Simple Ways to Share Your Personal Story
There she was again! While in town running errands, I saw the same acquaintance, in the first two stores. I had not seen her in a while, and she was now in her early twenties and pregnant. Had she married, and I just hadn’t heard about the wedding? My heart went out to her. But I hesitated to say anything. I wanted to encourage her, as others had encouraged me when I was single and pregnant. I had a story to share, a very personal story. Should I step out and talk with her? After our “chance” meeting, that day, I realized yet again the importance of sharing one’s story. So how can you bless others with YOUR story? Here are 4 simple ways to share your personal story to encourage others. [Read more…]
Overcoming Trust Issues in Friendships
Though I remember the pain of a bad break-up, it is the betrayal or rejection of a friend that still seems to hold a sting. Why is that? Do we allow friends into a space in our hearts that we rarely permit others? I’m not certain. But I do know that it can take effort to risk being open to new friendships. But as healthy friendships are pivotal to a vibrant life, we want to learn how to safely move forward and be responsive to budding friendships. So here are 5 secrets to overcoming trust issues in friendships. [Read more…]
Surviving the Emotional Toll of Family Court
Going to court is extremely stressful. Enduring court when there is children involved is nothing short of traumatizing! In this post, I desire to give comfort and practical tips to those that are involved in family court. Both from personal and my professional court advocacy experience, I know court dealings can be confusing, drawn out, and stressful. While I hope that you personally never experience a court hearing, unfortunately, for many families it is a reality. Here is some practical advice for surviving the emotional toll of family court. [Read more…]
7 Steps to Completely Make Over Your Life
I was stunned at where I found myself. This was so NOT where I imagined, dreamed or ever planned I would be. In my twenties, I found myself a single mom. And I had no solid plan on how I was going to truly care for myself and my child. My life felt like it had spiraled out of control. Sometimes our lives need a tweak or the ability to reframe our thinking. But sometimes we need a whole reboot. I knew that if I wanted my life to become a life I was proud, structured around my values, and full of peace and joy then I needed a complete overall. So what do we do when our life needs a do over? Here are 7 steps to completely make over your life. [Read more…]
What Every Teen Craves from Their Parents
When I teach groups, I am always shocked when I hear a similar phrase over and over from the teenagers. In my current groups, we have both parents and teens. But every time we separate and gather into a smaller teen only group and start discussing life at home, a common theme arises. You know what every teen craves from their parents? Time! That is the number one need teens will say they wish they had more of with their parents.
3 Types of Relationships For Healthy Personal Growth
Who did you spend time with for the last get together or holiday? If you need advice, who do you ask? These are some of the questions I have started asking parents in the groups I teach. It is interesting to reflect on who we spend our time with throughout the week. Today, I would like us to examine 3 types of relationships for healthy personal growth. And I am going to share with you the one relationship type you can’t live without! [Read more…]
How to Know When to Keep or Fire that Friend?
It happened when my daughter was still in the church nursery. She was barely talking, and she was already mentioning her two “friends” by name. I was caught off guard by my daughter’s strong desire to find friends. But what started off as cute antics has grown. Those girls are still all friends 11 years later. And fortunately, no one still bites each other any more! Deep friendships are something most of us long to find. Friends can make life so much more fun and the hard times more bearable. Other times our friendships can be a source of great personal anguish. So how to know when to keep or fire that friend is a survival skill we should all attain. It will help us to draw and treasure the right friends and walk away from people who will drain us.