Being sick and tired of something is not usually a good thing. Unless you are talking about preparing to achieve a major goal. Unless we are so fed up with a habit we have or a pit we keep falling back into, we probably won’t do the hard work of changing. I have found, doing groups and watching my own habits that there is a secret to achieving your big goals.
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The Secret to Achieving Your Big Goals
The secret to achieving your big goals can be split into two parts. You need to be truly tired and hungry! Tired of struggling with the same habit and/ or hungry to achieve something new!
Tired of Your Old Habit?
We are creatures of habit. We fall back into our old routines very easily. We tend to find comfort in what is familiar. Plus, we are typically busy, and we need to have plenty of routines to get us through the week.
But what happens when we want to disengage with an old way of doing something and conquer a new goal? It becomes very hard because we have to focus our time and energy on that big goal, over a period of weeks and months. And even then we face setbacks during times when we feel stressed and overwhelmed as we will again reach for what is comfortable.
So until we have truly decided that we are completely sick of an old habit, we will keep it around! Just in case…
We can set ourselves up for failure with our big goals. If we just like the thought of starting a new habit, but we are not to the point where we are ready to pick up the familiar old habit, take it outside, put it in the trash can and wheel the trash can to the curb we are in danger!
Sometimes I’m sick enough of a habit that I take that annoying habit and shove it in the closet or I put it out in the garage. But you know what happens? I go and find it, dust it off and start using it again if I feel stressed! UGH!!
So before you set your challenging goals for 2018, check to make sure that you are truly sick and tired of the old habit you want to replace and ready to completely throw it out.
Hungry for Something New?
Remember, when I mentioned that you have to focus intently on your big goal if you are going to achieve it? In order to create NEW routines and habits it takes way more effort than just reaching for the old familiar. So you need to be hungry for something new in order to keep that intensity going until your new major goal becomes an actual habit.
Intensity and focus take more time and mental energy. Before you set your mind to your goal, count the cost.
Just how hungry are you for your new big goal?
Here is what I mean. First, think about all the things on your weekly to do list. Take a minute and write it down if you are a visual person like me. Someone in the house has to do laundry, grocery shop, make meals, make money, pay bills, cart kids around, etc… It is quite a list.
After you get all your to-dos done you have a little bit of time to yourself. What do you like to do for fun? Again, take a minute and create a mental or physical list. You may enjoy watching TV, reading, experimenting in the kitchen, gardening, volunteering, shopping, etc..
Now that you have this list, think about what you are willing to give up.
Because if you are going to achieve a big goal you are going to have to find that time somewhere. If you just have a small goal, you may be able to squeeze it in by just using your time more wisely.
But what if you have a big goal in mind? Maybe you want to create a family budget and stick to it. Perhaps you want to start another stream of income or homeschool your kids. Have you been wishing you could create some deeper friendships? All of these goals will take time and commitment.
So before you leap in, count the cost and ask yourself these simple questions:
- Is this the right time in my life for this new goal?
- Do I realistically have time and energy to focus on the goal?
- Am I willing to give up some of my “free” time in order to make this big goal a habit?
- Do I truly want this goal enough to deny myself and step outside of my comfort zone?
The Secret to Achieving Your Big Goals
When I walk groups through this exercise I get various reactions. Some people decide that this really isn’t a good time to start a major goal. Others say that when they think in those terms, they honestly don’t want the new goal enough. And a few say, “YES” this is the time and they are willing to sacrifice to make it happen!
It is OK to say all of these things.
I believe you will be happier with yourself if you spend your time and energy on the things that truly matter to you and NOT trying to do things you “think” you should be doing.
One more thought. Sometimes life interrupts us. Life breaks in with a MAJOR change we have to deal with. Perhaps you have an aged parent that suddenly needs help or maybe your doctor has warned you that if you don’t make some health changes you are putting yourself in danger. What do we do then?
If we don’t truly want to change, but circumstances forces us to we may have to find new motivation. We will have to create a desire for the change and a willingness to sacrifice the time. For me, I didn’t want to have to think about my health so much. But I do want to be here for my family. I do want to have as much energy as I can for other things I enjoy. So I make decisions such as to go to the best doctors, spend more time making healthy recipes, cut my caffeine and sugar, get enough sleep and continue to TRY to exercise!
What if I am Sick and Tired, but I Just Don’t Have Time!
I hear ya! It can be hard to find time. I’m sure your list of weekly to-dos is long. So here are 3 resources that can help you.
Google Calendar
Learn here about my experiment with Google Calendar, in my post Create Calm and Cut Chaos. It has been a great tool for me this past year. Google Calendar helps me to keep my mornings on track. You may enjoy setting it up to use all day long.
4 Weeks to a More Productive Life
Have you wished that you could get a handle on your time? If you are READY to stop talking about your big goals and start creating a life where you put them into action this may be just the opportunity for you.
Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom has created a live coaching program, 4 Weeks to a More Productive Life.
When you join YOU will receive all of the following from Crystal Paine and the Money Saving Mom team:
- Access to an Accountability/Mastermind Facebook Group with me during the month of January
- 4 one-hour group coaching s
essions with me on Monday evenings at 8 p.m. CT (January 8, 16, 22, 29, 2018) - A weekly followup email from me with additional resources and encouragement to go along with that week’s coaching lesson
- Lifetime access to the recordings of the videos of the coaching sessions to re-watch or review
- Hands-on projects to complete each week to practically apply what you are learning
Crystal Paine always delivers great content so I love to recommend her products. Set yourself up for success by accessing your 4 Weeks to a More Productive Year membership!
The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You
Jessica Turner’s book, The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You is the perfect book for the busy women who wants to find that extra time in her day to achieve her dreams. Jessica Turner is a blogger at The Mom Creative who loves being there for her children, but also gets excited about working at her side business.
If you are a mom whose priority is your family, but you wish there was time to also pursue your passions you will appreciate all of Jessica Turner’s ideas!
The Secret to Achieving Your Big Goals
So here is the short and sweet of it:
- Make sure you are TIRED of the old way of doing things
- Fire up your appetite and get HUNGRY to achieve your BIG GOALS
- Count the COST to achieving your BIG GOALS
- Gain CONTROL of your TIME by checking out these resources: Google Calendar, 4 Weeks to a More Productive Year and The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You!
So what has been holding you back?
Excellent information! I have a small network marketing business and my team is always desiring to set goals. The problem is not knowing how to achieve them. I am sharing this post on our team page, hopefully others will benefit as well. Thanks!
Thanks Michelle! I hope that your team has a great year as you all decide which goals to tackle this year!
Gray information! I’m going to look at the Google Calendar idea!
So glad you found it helpful Patti.
What great info. I always say I’m going to start exercising but I never do. Like you said, I just don’t want it bad enough. But other goals I am hungry enough so hopefully I can make some of them happen this year!
Great post. I am sick of the rat race and want to quit my 9-5. So I started blogging. I am still only a couple months in but I am proud of how far I’ve come. I have my goals on a vision board and I have cut out a lot of “mindless” things like TV. I am hungry to make 2018 my year to succeed. 🙂
You are definitely off to a great start! Your blog is so thoughtful and delivers wonderful content for fur moms! Hope you continue to see great result with your blog.
Those are great ways to view tired and hungry… putting them into positive action! Thanks for these great reminders!
I love your question of is now the right time to pursue this big goal. I think sometimes we feel pressure to keep growing when it may not be the right time. Perhaps we are still working on incorporating that last big goal into our life or have something big going on in another area of our life. I love the reminder that it is ok to say now is not the right time. I need to remind myself of that sometimes instead of pushing when I know I can’t make room!
It can be hard to not just keep adding goals and things to do. That is great that you are giving yourself room to truly assess what is best for you.
Miranda, I love your point about making the things that truly matter to us a priority! I’m definitely more motivated to make changes when the end goal is something I’m passionate about. But when God brings something unexpected our way just we’re in the midst of attaining a goal, there are times when that big goal just has to be set aside.
Yes, sometimes life interrupts us or God opens our eyes to a different priority. Then we have to “set aside” that big goal or passion. That can be a challenging place to be. You have truly walked this out as you have put your family first.
An article worth reading. The points are so precisely explained which helped me to catch up to all the points. The tips to achieve success are amazingly written and explained in this article by the author.